Select Publications
Welcoming the Shadow as Guest and Self: Archetypal Approaches to Healing in Jung’s Red Book. Quadrant: The Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation. XLV:2 (Fall 2015)
Of Gods and Stones: Alchemy, Jung, and The Dark Night of St. John of the Cross. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology. 47:1 (2015)
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and the Alchemical Process of Individuation. Philosophy East and West. 65:3 (July 2015)
"Caritas. Coast. California." In We Are Already One: Thomas Merton’s Message of Hope: Reflections in Honor of His Centenary (1915-2015). Louisville, KY: FonsVitae (2015)
The Alchemical Heart: A Jungian Approach to the Heart Center in the Upanisads and in Eastern Christian Prayer. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies. 33:1 (2014)
Bidden or not bidden, God is present
~ C.G. Jung
The wider framework and developmental background of my work comes from a decades long personal journey that incorporates aspects of contemplative Christianity, including lived experience in its mystical and monastic traditions, the embodied practice of yoga, and formal academic training in theology, religious studies, and Jungian and archetypal depth psychologies, culminating in my doctoral work at the California Institute of Integral Studies. My dissertation, completed in 2015, developed an alchemical hermeneutic approach to the study of select religious and spiritual texts from east and west.
My current research involves the application and integration of psychoanalytic and archetypal interpretive approaches within the field of religious studies, particularly in the areas of yoga, Hindu tantra, and Greco-Roman and South Asian comparative mythology. I am particularly influenced by the pioneering work of religious studies scholars Jeffrey Kripal and William Parsons, as well as Jungian depth psychologists Lionel Corbett and Donald Kalsched, and relational psychoanalyst Michael Eigen, all who have contributed to a creative and original vision of the spirtually rich and symbolically-laden quest towards human wholeness.
Please enjoy what you find on this site, and may you cultivate your own home for soul.
Sculpted in Bronze by John Currie
Upper Paleolithic Cave Painting Lascaux, France